Clubs & Organizations
School Clubs
Student Government
- Freshman Council
- Sophomore Council
- Junior Projects Committee
- Senior Exec

Beta Club
- Sponsors: Ruth Langlois & Jamie Reiter
- Dues: $30 for new members, $20 for returning members
- Beta Club is the largest service and academic organization for high school students in the country. It's motto is, "Let us lead by serving others!"
- In order to be invited to the National Beta Club, students must have an academic average of 90 or higher. Invitations go out yearly during the fall (for all students) and spring (for 9th graders.)
- Members are reinvited to join yearly as long as they are in good standing. This means that they have met all service and academic requirements for the previous year. If a member fails to meet academic or service requirements, they are not asked to rejoin.
- See Mrs. Wilson (2206) if you have any questions.

Eagle Ambassadors
The Eagle Ambassadors for Northside High School are students who have and would like to further their growth in leadership. They are also members of our NHS-Chickfila Leader Academy. These students work as ambassadors for the school during events as well as complete various community service activities.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes
- FCA meets on Thursday mornings at 7:20 in the new gym.
- For more information, see Coach Walker (1602)

Junior Optimist International (JOI)
- Sponsors: Christi Johnson (room 2201)
- Dues: $15
- JOI is an all-inclusive service-learning organization affiliated with adult Optimist clubs worldwide. Northside High School’s JOOI club was chartered in 2001 under the wing of the Noon Optimist Club of Warner Robins. It embraces the positive values of optimism, respect for self and others, and independence of mind through the unlimited opportunities of community service and sponsorship by Optimist International (“Bringing Out the Best in Kids”). The National Association of Secondary School Principals has added JOI to its National Advisory List of Contests and Activities, which makes JOOI a significant school activity on the same level with National Honor Society and Student Councils.
- Why Should You Join JOI?
- Because it’s fun!
- It can fulfill requirements for community service
- When we help others, everyone wins!
- JOOI looks great on college applications
- You have leadership opportunities at the club, district, and international levels
- You can learn about teamwork, communication, self-esteem, money management and citizenship in non-traditional, fun ways
- What is required to be a JOI member?
- Energy
- Enthusiasm
- The belief that kids CAN make a difference in their community
Partners Club
- Sponsor:
- Dues: $35
- The Partners Club brings high school students and physically/intellectually disabled students together to provide sports training for Special Olympic Sports and to spend additional time together enjoying other social and recreational activities in the school and community. The club enables high school students the opportunity to understand and appreciate the strengths and differences of each other as individuals. A bond of friendship and respect is developed and maintained throughout their high school years. Partner members also benefit by learning the personal rewards and responsibilities that come from helping their peers with special needs.
Career Tech Student Organizations
- Sponsors: Mr. Hall (room 1204)
- Dues $20 - this covers school, state, and national dues.
- DECA Mission Statement: DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high school and colleges around the globe.
- DECA provides a co-curricular education for students with an interest in marketing, management, and entrepreneurship. Involvement in DECA helps students develop skills and competence for marketing careers, build self-esteem, experience leadership, and practice community service. DECA members are involved with school activities, community service, leadership activities, as well as competitive events.
- National DECA website:
- Georgia DECA website:
- Sponsors: Ms. Loves, Mr. Floyd, Ms. Gregory, Mr. McCloud
- Join Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) today!.
- Step 1. Fill out a membership application. Please see the sponsor for a copy.
- Step 2. Turn your application in to an advisor with your $30 dues. This pays for your local, state, and national dues and a Chapter TShirt that we wear to all events.
- That's it!!!
- We have many opportunities to get involved. Find out more by coming to one of our monthly meetings.
- There are opportunities to travel and compete in numerous business categories. We annually visit and take a tour of a business. The sooner you get involved, the more benefits you will receive. Join us today!
- Sponsors: Ms. Pollard
- Dues: $20
- FCCLA has a national student membership of 230,000 young men and women. There are 53 state associations, including the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. There are over 10,000 local chapters.
- FCCLA is open to all students enrolled in CTAE classes.
- Mission: To promote personal growth and leadership development through family and consumer sciences education.
- FCCLA takes several field trips throughout the year, participates in STAR event competitions, and engages in community service.
- For more information click here!

- Sponsors: Virgil Blalock (Horticulture) and Ryan Talton (Farm)
- FFA is a dynamic youth organization that changes lives and prepares members for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
- FFA is an intracurricular student organization for those interested in agriculture and leadership. It is one of the three components of agricultural education.
- The official name of the organization is the National FFA Organization. The letters “FFA” stand for Future Farmers of America. These letters are a part of our history and our heritage that will never change.

National Technical Honor Society
- Sponsor: Dr. McCloud (room 2405)
- National dues: $40
- The National Technical Honor Society is an organization whose purpose is to recognize outstanding student achievement in the area of technical education. Students receive certificates and graduation honor cords, and are eligible for national scholarships through NTHS. An induction/recognition ceremony is held each spring for members.
- In order to receive and invitation to join NTHS students must meet the following criteria:
- Junior or senior status
- 3.0 overall average
- 3.2 in two complete units of CTAE coursework
- Membership in a Career Technical Student Organization (FBLA, FFA, FCCLA, DECA, Skills USA, HOSA)

Skills USA
- Sponsor: Mr. Dunbar
- Interested in growing your graphic design skills? Join SkillsUSA today!
- Step 1. Be enrolled in any graphic design course at Northside High School / or formerly in the class.
Step 2. Membership is 30.00. This pays for your fee to join the organization so you can take part in the activities. - That's it!!!
- Step 1. Be enrolled in any graphic design course at Northside High School / or formerly in the class.
- We have many opportunities to get involved. Find out more by coming to one of our monthly meetings. More information can be found in room T408 or on the morning announcements. Meeting times are TBD.
- There are opportunities to travel and compete in numerous graphic design and performance competitions. SkillsUSA encompasses other fields as well, from cosmetology to construction - but this chapter focuses specifically on graphic design. Students in SkillsUSA will gain access to the T408 lab for printing and production needs and will be helping the school out with various printing processes. Other competitions will be considered for region, such as (but not limited to): a competition quiz bowl, job interview skills, etc.